Águas Claras
Aeroporto, Conjunto Nacional, Pátio Brasil
Águas Claras e Asa Sul
Central de Produção
Central de Produção
Unidade EPTG
Iate Clube
Águas Claras e Samambaia
Asa Sul
Guará e Asa Sul
Asa Norte e Asa Sul
Casa Park e Mané
Águas Claras
Asa Norte
Águas Claras, Taguatinga e Guará
Park Shopping
Heróis Burguer
Asa Norte

"We've had the pleasure of being Qualifica's partners for a few years, and after getting to know and understand the work techniques they employ, we've come to fully trust the professionals that monitor, manage, and administer the company." The sincerity and commitment with which Qualifica performs its tasks are the same attributes that we want in the management of our restaurants, giving us peace of mind in knowing that we have a wonderful partner firm. We are able to provide significantly more security to our clients and even better working conditions for our staff as a result of our collaboration."

"Qualifica Alimentos, in addition to nutritional and health benefits, assists us in organizing the stages of fruit pulp manufacturing and methodology for storing raw material in cool rooms, providing a safe product and complying with all Ministry of Agriculture legislation." I promise our customers' delight with this collaboration!"

You are professional, helpful and organized. Our processes and controls have greatly improved!

"Wonderful work and incredible partnership, with great joy and dedication I always count on Qualifica, supporting and guiding us, according to our reality and with all the standards, I've been growing thanks to them! Thank you for your kindness and attention!"

"Qualifica has been a great partner in Stonia's success and growth. We improve several internal processes and qualify our team with their help. Always very available and accessible, in addition to acting as a partner in the entire process."

"I have a degree in gastronomy and have already taken some food safety courses. I believe I'm not a total layman on the subject…But when I started to build the project of having a healthy frozen food line, where I was looking for much more than simply giving people practicality, but being able to deliver health in a practical and tasty way, I knew I would need a team that was truly prepared for us assist in all food production criteria and controls.
Qualifica has always exceeded my expectations in terms of quality, punctuality, cordiality and commitment to the proposed services.
They have always helped us to maintain the utmost criteria for organization, cleanliness and control over our products.
With Qualifica I feel more secure and confident that my team of employees will always be attentive and supervised by an extraordinary team of professionals.
I always appreciate the partnership!"

"I am a franchisee of Dona Lenha da Asa Norte and nowadays I cannot imagine working without QUALIFICA. Dona Lenha is a traditional restaurant in Brasília and is focused on the daily concern with quality, service and food safety. In addition to us and some employees circulating in the production areas, we receive trained professionals from abroad to check production, freezers, check the temperature of food and location, observe the physical structure and hygiene conditions of the employees. All of this gives us the security of not missing anything that could cause problems in the restaurant's day-to-day life.
Another important point is how easy it is for Qualifica girls to raise awareness among our employees. It is not easy to be able to speak the same language and show the importance of all processes. Remembering that they are inside the company to point out flaws in some process, that is, what could be a difficult task is not. Today, everyone likes them and knows that they are there to improve our work."

"It is a pleasure to recommend Qualifica, consultants who have been advising us on our beverage production with the implementation of Good Manufacturing Practices as per the recommendations of the legislation and requirements of Organs competent bodies.We emphasize that the company consists of excellent professionals with domain in their area of knowledge, having performed their functions efficiently, promptly and professionally. We are very happy with this partnership!"

"Qualifica has greatly improved our production processes, in addition to contributing to safety, it makes food for our customers, optimizes the pace of preparation, introduces cost-effective and zero-waste methods, closely monitors our employees in everything we need. It is a differentiated company in the field of food safety and it gives me great peace of mind to know that Thágrid and Paula, as head nutritionists, closely monitor their customers. I don't change anything for!"

“The Qualifica team nutritionists helped me a lot, they are very responsible professionals who are always concerned with following health standards, and with passing on all the information necessary for my team to maintain harmony. Since acquiring the services, I have never had any problems.”

“In addition to contributing to having a safer food supply to our customers, Qualifica helped us a lot to have a more organized kitchen, with more processes, and this made it save both time and the quantity of products in stock.”

“Having Qualifica as consultants in our restaurant was a big game changer. With their follow-up, our establishment had a great evolution in the daily application of good practices. We have total security in the content and knowledge of the consultants and each month with the follow-up we are sure that we have a better restaurant.”

“Without a doubt, the quality standard of our products is one of the most important pillars of our business. And, to guarantee not only the quality for which we are recognized in the market, but also food safety, we count on Qualifica's indispensable team, which is always available and guiding us about all the established standards.”

"It is an honor for me to commend my colleagues at Qualifica, as well as to emphasize how well our collaboration has worked because the professionals and work you perform are extremely credible. We at Brasil Gourmet are grateful for your wonderful work. Through employee training and monthly visits, Qualifica has been of great service to our organization. And the company's services are commendable. Congratulations! Please accept our heartfelt greetings and hugs on behalf of the Brasil Gourmet restaurant."

"When we decided to cease being just a factory and establish the store, we made a number of adjustments and improvements in order to continue offering the finest product we could to our clients. Among these efforts was the hiring of Qualifica, a company that offers consultancy and food safety services. This reality of having a store and a factory is significantly different from what we have previously encountered, and Qualifica has greatly assisted us in all processes and procedures, from the layout of the kitchen, assembly and production areas, to the best approach to sterilize physical structure and food. Qualifica also assists us in finding better and more efficient methods of acquiring and storing products, managing the manufacturing process, and ensuring that we work with quality and safety. This has been extremely beneficial to us, our customers, and our suppliers. It's wonderful to be able to rely on Qualifica. Thank you very much!"

"The Nutrition team from Qualifica was a plus factor for our company. We looked out in the market who could help us grow with more quality and professionalism, and we were sure to partner with them. We found a prepared team that gets hands-on and talks/guides the team constantly with much technique, but a lot of humility (essential for communication). What we need to improve is always pointed out, and what has been improved is reported, all with details and photos. Thus, we were able to keep a record of visits, and soon, develop plans of action together. I strongly recommend this team of professionals to anyone who wants to have an increasingly better establishment in good practices. It will be a huge support!”

“Qualifica is a consulting reference in Brasilia for me, a serious and very reliable company. I feel extremely safe with the training received, as well as the fortnightly visits made by super well prepared nutritionists, seeking excellence in all segments of the service. They help from production to documentation and are always up to date with current regulations.”

“Então, falar da qualifica pra mim é um prazer, que depois que a qualifica entrou na minha empresa, os processos começaram a ser muito mais assertivos, não tendo que refazer as coisas.
O pessoal de lá, me atende de uma maneira espetacular, são totalmente proativos, exemplo é que tudo que eu tenho dúvida, eles vão atrás. Me dão sugestão, indicação de empresas para ajudar a solucionar os problemas. E o que eles não sabem no primeiro momento, vão atrás e me respondem.
São extremamente limpos, apresentáveis, educados e responsáveis.
Percebi que eles geralmente mudam o consultor para não causar aquela zona de conforto e sempre ter um olhar diferente para a unidade.
Pontuam tudo que poderia causar um problema, fala novamente, não desiste do cliente deles, posiciona sempre a liderança e toda a equipe.
Então assim, eu vejo o cuidado deles com a empresa. Eles não fazem só um trabalho de consultoria de boas práticas, sempre estão dispostos, conferem, perguntam se precisam de alguma ajuda.
Pra mim, a qualifica está no meio das melhores empresas que eu conheço, que eu trabalho assim, o padrão deles é muito bom, um padrão de excelência mesmo. É isso que eu tenho pra falar e depois que a Qualifica entrou na empresa eu me sinto mais segura, pois toda vez que eu precisei fora do padrão mesmo, eles me ajudaram, sempre a disposição.“

"The technical data sheet is a crucial element for Caffetteria and PIMP my juice, not only to ensure greater quality control but also to achieve efficiency in inventory management. QUALIFICA consistently provides us with technical data sheets that have the accuracy that guarantees excellent results in both aspects."

"Having a partnership with Qualifica gives us peace of mind, knowing that our company, production processes, products, and all our employees are well supported. The constant presence of nutrition professionals who work within the production, along with the training sessions conducted with our employees, are always carried out with great attention and focused on our specific needs. This assistance helps us achieve a cleaner, more efficient, and organized production."

"We feel secure with the work carried out by Qualifica in our company. They are always attentive to all protocols and processes to ensure our development with safety. We are highly satisfied with all the work they have done, and we have a strong sense of trust in this more than just a partner company. I highly recommend this team of professionals to anyone who wants to continuously improve their establishment in terms of best practices."

"Hello, I'm Giuliana from Dom Francisco Restaurant, and I'm here to share a bit about our experience with Qualifica's consulting services. We have just completed the implementation phase of best practices, and I can say that it has been a great experience. The nutritionists from Qualifica are highly professional and have helped us elevate the standard of our work to another level. They provide us with the necessary security in terms of technical bottling of processes and procedures in the kitchen. Having Qualifica as our partner brings us great confidence in our work."

"Our experience with Qualifica has been highly satisfactory. Initially, we hired their services for the production unit, but we have been so impressed with the results thus far that we are extending it to our retail units as well. The service we receive is excellent, and with the guidance of the consultants, we have been able to address issues that we wouldn't have even noticed otherwise. Joanna and Itala have been incredible with our team, and communication with the finance department and owners is accessible and efficient. We have never been as organized and attentive to our production as we are now."

"I would like to congratulate the entire team at Qualifica for their outstanding work. They provide excellent customer service and offer great guidance to our entire HDCN team. Well done!"

"Since hiring Qualifica, we have felt a significant professionalization of our work and have received concrete guidance on good practices in food safety. Our employees feel secure in the production process, and as a result, we have confidence in selling our products."

“Quando contratamos a Qualifica procurávamos segurança para nós e para nosso clientes. É uma parceria que nos auxilia na adequação das práticas de produção e manuseio às normas vigentes da Vigilância Sanitária, garantindo que nosso produto e serviço seja de primeira qualidade para nosso cliente. Semanalmente temos a visita de uma nutricionista que afere nossos equipamentos, confere o armazenamento dos nossos produtos, fiscaliza a validade e orienta nossos manipuladores de alimentos.”

Estamos há 3 meses recebendo a consultoria da Qualifica.
O que já era bom ficou muito melhor!
Estou impressionado com a riqueza de detalhes no serviço deles.
A Qualifica chegou e somou muito aos nossos processos, a qualidade dos nossos serviços e a capacitação dos nossos colaboradores.
Obrigado Qualifica!

“Depois que começamos a trabalhar com a qualifica, tivemos uma melhora de 80% a 90% na qualidade dos nossos produtos, produção e organização da loja. A qualifica é uma empresa que conta com consultores capacitados e qualificados. Sempre empenhandos em orientar e cobrar as boas práticas aos colaborares. Eu só tenho a agradecer pelo trabalho feito na empresa”.
“A Qualifica é nossa grande parceira na segurança dos alimentos, consultoras capacitadas e sempre dispostas a resolver o que for preciso pra entregarmos o melhor pros nossos clientes. Indico com muita tranquilidade, sem dúvida uma das melhores empresas do ramo no DF.”

“Estamos muito satisfeitos com o trabalho junto à Qualifica. Desde o primeiro dia da empresa estamos com a Qualifica , que nos orienta de forma profissional desde palestras, preparação de documentos e visitas técnicas. A equipe é muito acessível e prestativa.”

“Gostaria de agradecer o trabalho da qualifica aqui no the plant por tudo que ele fizeram e que conseguiram nos ajudar bastante e viu os itens que nós estávamos precisando melhorar. O acompanhamento e metodologia deles que funciona bastante, a equipe sempre presente, também pelo WhatsApp para responder e ajudar a gente no que é necessário. Estamos bastante satisfeitos e realmente melhorou bastante todo o nosso controle e todas as nossas boas práticas, tudo muito muito bom!”

“Quando decidi sair da cozinha de casa e abrir a primeira loja da Quitutices uma das certezas que eu tinha era que precisava de ajuda par cuidar da segurança dos alimentos. Afinal, ter esse cuidado é o básico e primordial para qualquer estabelecimento, e atendendo a um público tão especial quanto às pessoas com restrição alimentar, ter o cuidado, o respaldo, a orientação e a parceria desses profissionais é obrigatório.Assim, desde os primeiros dias da Quitutices até hoje ( e pra sempre), temos a Qualifica como nosso porto seguro. Mesmo durante a pandemia, quando precisamos reduzir custos, mantivemos a parceria com a Qualifica e foi incrível a segurança e atenção que nos deram.
Ter os profissionais da Qualifica conosco é primordial e essencial. Fazem parte do nosso time e só nos fortalecem!”

“A qualifica pra mim é muito importante, porque sempre que eu tenho algum problema, nas lojas os consultores já resolvem, quando tem alguma coisa de errado, vocês fazem a vistoria, já avisam o que tem que ser feito. Então, para nós , a qualifica é muito importante. Além disso, quando precisamos, vocês estão sempre dispostos a nos ajudar. Obrigado !!!”

“Nossa parceria com a Qualifica nos traz segurança junto ao nossos clientes e colaboradores. É uma consultoria que vai além de cuidar da segurança dos alimentos, traz treinamentos s muitas indicações , conhecimentos na área de gestão e desenvolvimento do negócio.
Somos muito felizes em tê-los como parceiros.
Valorizamos e seguramos nosso produto no mercado, através do cuidado que a Qualifica faz, através da consultoria, com mão de obra de qualidade e sempre disponível.”

“A Qualifica começou o contrato com o grupo Renata La Porta em plena pandemia, uma época de muitas mudanças e adaptações. A equipe de nutrição foi essencial para que encarássemos tantas mudanças de processo com mais segurança. Estamos muito felizes com as melhorias que a equipe da Qualifica tem nos guiado a realizar.”

“Nenhum detalhe passa despercebido! Gostei muito! A atenção no atendimento, nos relatórios e nas entregas foi acima das expectativas e queremos muito continuar junto com a empresa. Muito obrigado!”

“A Império dos Pães tem como prioridade conquistar a confiança e a satisfação dos clientes, tendo a responsabilidade na hora do preparo de nossa matéria-prima. Portanto, é fundamental a presença do nutricionista para nos auxiliar nas adequações necessárias e para garantir um alimento seguro.
Gostaríamos de agradecer a Qualifica por sempre estar em prontidão para nos ajudar. É um prazer tê-las conosco!!!”